Priority Services Register
What is the priority services register?
The priority services register is a completely free and voluntary service provided by your water, gas and energy companies. It is designed to give easy access to extra relevant support in both emergencies and everyday life to keep you safe, warm and independent.
Would I be eligible to register?
Eligibility varies between suppliers, so it is best to check with your utility company directly to see if you can join, but you are generally eligible if you:
- Are of pensionable age
- Are disabled, chronically sick or have a long-term medical condition
- Are in a vulnerable situation – including mental health issues, recovering from an injury or bereavement
- Have children under 5 in the household or are pregnant
- Have a hearing or visual impairment or additional communication needs, such as difficulty speaking or reading English
What services are offered?
Once on the register, you will be able to access a variety of services, not limited to:
- Priority support in an emergency
- Contacting you in advance before any planned work or supply interruption
- Help with reading your bill and other info – including large print, Braille, and audio bill reading
- Nominee scheme so another person can handle the account on your behalf
- Setting a password to help protect you from bogus callers and visitors
- Meter reading and home visits
For full details of services available and how to apply, visit your water, gas or electricity supplier’s website or contact them directly.